Friday, September 5, 2008

10th Grade Unit I Test Study Guide

You must be able to identify, define, or give examples of these literary terms:







You must be able to summarize Excelsior, Hinds' Feet On High Places, and To Build a Fire.

You must be able to answer any of the comprehension questions covering Excelsior, Hinds' Feet On High Places, and To Build a Fire. These answers should be in your notes.

You must be able to discuss the allegorical meaning of specific moments taken from Hinds' Feet On High Places.

You must be able to thoroughly analyze the symbolic meaning of "Excelsior"

You must be able to identify a passage taken from one of these three works and analyze it in terms of its plot, its relevance, and the literary elements present. (This will be the same format as Spring semester's final exam.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My lovely test comes near us!haha!