Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9th Grade King Arthur Vocabulary List for pages 49-79

Here is a list of some of the difficult words taken from The Story of King Arthur and His Knights pages 49-79. I hope that this list will make your reading a little bit easier!

beheld: seen, witnessed (taken from behold)

exalt your spirit: encourage or inspire you

held converse: had a conversation

aforementioned: mentioned before

diluted: distracted (this is not a typical use or meaning of the word, but in this context, it means distracted)

avenge: get revenge on

progression: journey

made pause: stopped

afforded: provided

rushes: plants that have soft thin stems-- long ago, rushes were often used for weaving or the stuffing of mattresses

worthies: brave men (worthy of praise, honor, and being called a knight)

holding converse: having a conversation

woful: woeful, sad

thitherward: to or towards a place or object

sore wounded: seriously injured

upheld: carried by

page: a servant that is one step below a squire in feudal society

apparel: clothing

trappings: the decorations and equipment

plight: situation

saw naught: saw nothing

lamented: mourned, cried out

it wrung the heart: created great sympathy

doeful spectacle: sorrowful sight

hasten ye: hurry!

succor: aid, help, assistance

yonder: over there

do thou go quickly: go quickly (do thou... is an imperative)

mishap: misfortune, accident

hath befallen: has happened to

pavilion: tent

chirurgeon: surgeon

albeit: even though

prithee: I pray thee which is like adding "Please" or "I ask you please to ...."

is entitled: is named

of considerable consequence: he is of a high social birth or high social position

doubtless: undoubtedly

moved thereunto by the lustiness of the Springtime: he was motivated by the energy that comes in Spring

only me for his esquire: only me to assist him as his squire

as beseemed a good knight: as was fitting for a good knight

who would be errant: who wanted to be a knight errant. A knight errant is a knight who wanders around looking for adventures and quests to accomplish so that he can prove his chivalry.

for to attest his valor: to prove his bravery

bedight: arrayed

divers: diverse, different, various

damsels: maidens, young ladies

stinted: stopped, halted

demanding of him whither he went: asking him where he was going

an thou art: if you are

assay it: try it

bade: told, instructed

wended thitherward: went towards that place, went in that direction

multitude: a large amount

smiteth: smites: hits

seizing: taking in his hand

smote: smite: hit

portcullis: the iron gate that covers the castle's entryway

drew rein: pulled up his horse, got his horse to stop

demand of thee: ask you

mayst overcome: can defeat

dressed his shield and put himself into array for an assault at arms: he put his shield in front of himself and got into a battle stance.

drave together with might and main: they smashed into one another vigorously

grievously: seriously, terribly

harborage: a safe place, refuge

tarrying: waiting, stopping

discourteous: rude, dishonorable

crave: desire

boon: a favor given upon request

straightway: immediately

potent: powerful

my heart much misgiveth me: I am worried, my heart warns me

guise: appearance

brazen mall: brass hammer

did not appear of a mind: he didn't look like wanted to...

untried in arms: inexperienced in battle

ere: before

notwithstanding: in spite of

dole: sorrow, suffering

wode: filled with woe/sorrow

for to: in order to

strove to dissuade him: they strived/made great effort to convince him against it

scarce: hardly

for vexation: because of being upset, annoyed, or disturbed

donned: put on

multitudinous is that pretty roundelay: there was so many birds singing their beautiful song

quaint: old and charming

played at ball: were playing ball

hue: shade

damoiselles: maidens

beseemeth: is fitting, appropriate

comely of face: handsome

fain enjoy: gladly enjoy, rather enjoy

raiment: clothing

flagons: large cups

comfits: a sweet treat that is made when you cover fruit, nuts or seeds with sugar.

manchet: small flat circular loaf

athirst: thirsty

discoursing: speaking

mounted his steed: got on his horse

conducted: guided

an thou wouldst enter upon this adventure: if you want to take up this adventure

good hap: good luck

certes: certainly

pleasant of address: pleasant in manners and appearance

plied their trade: worked at their job

something was toward that was sadly amiss: something was happening that seemed odd or wrong

sooty: covered in black soot

sore need: serious need

hold villians!: Stop, you criminals!

What would you be at: what do you think you are doing?

therewith set spurs to his horse and dropped his spear into rest and drove down upon theme: then made his horse go faster by spurring it, putting his spear into its slot so that it stays steady , and charged the men

hither and thither: here and there

condolence: sympathy given to someone who has experienced something painful

in no wise: in no way

in this wise: in this way

but touching: but considering

palfrey: a saddle horse, usually ridden by a woman

dwelt: dwelled: lived

aspect: appearance

dwelling-place of mankind: a place inhabited by humans

forbidding: intimidating, dangerous looking

devices: the symbolic pictures on the front of shields, a coat of arms

cleft: cut in half

splendor of paradise!: Good Heavens!

valiant: brave, courageous

overthrown and cast down: conquered and defeated

mayst be very happy: will be very fortunate

even-tide: evening

writ: written in

skirts: edges

there issued forth: out of there came

frame: body build

sable: black

grim: serious

aspect: appearance

gait: pace of walking/riding a horse

haughtiness of mien: arrogance in disposition and appearance

quoth: said

Wherefore, either deliver thou thy shield unto me without more ado: Therefore, either give me your shield without any more fuss/trouble

gramercy: an expression used to express surprise or gratitude.

redeem: get back, gain back

splinters: small pieces of wood

onset: the assault, the beginning of the assault

guard and truncheon: the base and handle of the spear

extraordinary address: exceptional skill

I do pledge my knightly word: I swear by my honor as a knight

twain: two

bare: bore, carried

wherefrom: from where

he had before essayed: he had started

girths: the straps

bereft of his senses: without his senses, deprived of his senses

vehement: passionate

constrained to void: forced to get off

foined: to thrust with a pointed weapon

smote: hit

traced: move quickly in a path (to have fancy footwork while you are fighting)

parried: blocked

cantels: pieces, segments

hewn: cut off

waxing: becoming more and more, increasing in

withstood: stood up, endured

cast aside: threw away

brain pan: the skull

commingled: mixed together

lather: foam

astounding: shocking

bereft of consciousness: unconscious

unlaced the helm: untied the helmet

countenance: face

aforenamed: mentioned earlier

warred: waged war, fought a war

misericordia: a small dagger that is used to deliver the killing stroke in a fight

heaved himself up: got up quickly

made with fury: crazy with anger

froth: foam

slay: kill

sacrilegious: unholy

estates: property

nigher: nearer

conveyed: carried, moved, transferred

hermit: a person who lives alone, separated from the outside world

hermitage: the house of a hermit

saintliness: being so holy that you are like a saint

ne'theless: nevertheless

remote: deserted

pilgrimage: a holy journey

cell: room

leech: doctor who uses cures from nature

pallet: mattress

tumult: chaos, activity

charm or amulet: an item worn to protect or heal

made gay: made lovely and bright

cropping: cutting, nibbling on

sick nigh unto death: so sick that he is close to dying

mortal: human

alabaster: a precious white stone that is soft and often carved into boxes or other containers or pieces of art

balsam: a perfumed salve or cream

lusty: vigorous

dame: woman

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