Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10th Grade Powerpoint Presentation Rubric

This presentation is worth 30 points total.

Each individual has the opportunity to earn up to 5 points in their individual presentation.

After that, the group as a whole can earn up to 25 points as I judge your presentation as a whole.

Groups must

1) Present and explain the theme in several areas of the story, and the way that they present this must be in a logical fashion. (i.e. Don't skip from page 14 to 21 and then back to page 17)

2) Provide page references and specific passages as evidence of the theme. Students must be able to give a concise summary of each passage.

3) Clearly explain how each passage relates to the theme.

4) Explain what Kathryn Mansfield is trying to teach about the theme.

5) Be cohesive, organized, display a familiarity with the theme and the story. There shouldn't be silly typos in your presentation. BE PROFESSIONAL!

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