Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hello Everyone: because there was some vandalism at the school last week and the person who did it did not come forward, there will be some limitations put on your freedom for the rest of the week. The leadership of the school is doing this to show you that if you abuse it, you lose it, and more importantly, that the great freedom we give you is not something to spit upon. I urge you to read this now so that you can prepare yourselves for it both mentally and spiritually, and think about this as a time to be THANKFUL for what you do have and a time to think about the things you take for-granted. I am hoping that you all will be leaders for the rest of the school in your attitude during this time. I want you to know that we are not doing this to punish you, but because we LOVE you and we are trying to teach you something that has GREAT value. I've been thinking a lot about what I am thankful for and what I take for granted, and to be honest, I think that sometimes, I forget to be thankful for you all. 9th grade, you guys have been SUCH a joy to me this year and you have made me laugh so many times-- this has fed my soul and has energized me. I have also been so deeply impressed by your intelligence, your work ethic, and your relationships with one another. 
10th grade, what can I say? You are my family. I have taught you longer than any other grade within the school and you have supported to me and taken care of me in some of my saddest and darkest of times-- sometimes, because I think of you guys as family, I think I hold you to a higher standard than the other students that I teach-- I expect you guys to be PERFECT and expect you to ALWAYS understand exactly what I want from you ALL the time-- and these expectations are unfair to you. Please forgive me for this, and also, please understand that just as I may have high expectations for you, I also love you very deeply simply because I know you quite well and you guys know me quite well, for better and for worse. It is my prayer that as we grow together, we all can reach our potential and do what is most pleasing in God's sight so that we can have a spirit of peace, harmony, love, respect, and joy with one another. Also, I want you to know that the stress that you guys are going through, the time of change and a time of learning who you are and what you are good at is NORMAL and that if your grades or other areas of your life have not been going as you'd like right now, it's something that is part of a process-- it's a lot like how metal becomes purified by fire. Currently, you guys are going through the fiery part, but I KNOW WITH ALL MY HEART AND MIND that you will shine like gold by the end of the year! I hope you guys can see that too and not get too discouraged. Also, and most importantly, remember that you don't get into heaven with a transcript, GPA or community service sheet-- God loves you just as you are, He loved you before you were born, He knew all the good things you would do in your life and all the bad things as well-- and He sent His own PERFECT Son to cover those imperfections. So, my darling students, remember this and hold onto this GREAT truth-- God loves you, just as you are right now, He desires a relationship with you, just as you are right now, and you do not have to come to Him perfect. You can come just as you are.

From tomorrow after chapel students will not be allowed in the school out side of school hours for any reason unless there is a teacher with them.  This includes clubs and tutoring and the computer room    Students will have to remain outside the building until 8:30 am and leave by 4:30 pm except if they have 8th period.  This will be just until the end of the week.  I want them to understand that unless they take are of the school they will not be able to use it.  Students in the building when they are not suppose to will receive a detention.  Teachers should not let students go to their lockers after 4:30 pm or before 8:30am.  If they forgot their books then they have to wait.  Students will have to go to study hall by going up the stairs by the cafeteria and will have to take their books early or they won't be able to get them.

Once again, I urge you to do this with an obedient heart and that you do not respond in anger, complaint, or rebellion. I have seen what you all are capable of, and I KNOW you can be excellent leaders in word and deed. I'm hoping that I will see this in you for the rest of the week. I love you all and I know you can do it!

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