Sunday, August 16, 2009

9A Homework

Due 8/18- you must have your comprehension questions for 'True Heroism' finished. You must memorize the spelling and definition of bowdlerize.
Read pages 216-220 of How Much Land Does a Man Need? in your textbook. We will be starting this story tomorrow so it's good to get ahead in your reading.

Due 8/24, 8/25, - You must prepare a 20-25 minute presentation that reviews these literary elements. You must provide the correct definitions of each element, show examples of where these elements occur, and come up with a CREATIVE and MEMORABLE activity related to the elements for your classmates to participate in.

Team 1: refrain, repetition, imagery, tone, mood
Joseph, Daniel, Isaac

Team 2: irony, point of view
Mack, Elisabeth, Young In

Team 3: symbol, conflict
Sarah, Jamie, Angela

Team 4: surprise ending, foreshadowing, poetic justice
Alex, Angela, Mellody

Due 8/24: type a one page summary of The Story of King Arthur and His Knights p.3-136 using 1.5 spacing and 11 or 12 point font.

Due 8/28: Read pages 137-168 of The Story of King Arthur and His Knights.

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