Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Winter Ocean Comprehension Question Answers

In the comments section of this post, I have put the rest of the comprehension answers for John Updike's Winter Ocean (the BEST poem ever. )

1 comment:

Miss Jones said...

 Shrub-ruster- this refers to the way that the ocean can break down small trees and make them appear aged. It could also be referring to the salt that is present in the ocean’s water, since salt water is what creates rust.
 Sky-mocker- this refers to the way that the ocean can reflect the sky—and simultaneously appear similar to and different from the sky. It could also be referring to the way that the ocean can be loud since mocking can be a vocal taunting of somebody/something.
 Portly pusher of waves- this is referring to the way that the tides of the ocean are pushed back and forward, influenced by the portly pusher (the fat moon) It could also be referring to the way that one wave pushes up against the wave coming before it.
 Wind slave- this refers to the way that powerful winds can create great waves within the ocean.
2. Point out as many examples of alliteration, consonance, and assonance as you can.
Alliteration: many-maned, male, maker, worn wood, portly pusher, whales waves, wind
Consonance: male whales, thumper, maker, ruster, mocker, pusher, rave, waves, slave
Assonance: scud thumper, tub, shrub ruster, male whales maker