Thursday, November 12, 2009

10th Grade Homework Assignments for 11/16-11/20

10A and 10B
DUE MONDAY: You must read pages 226-229, you must write down the definitions of the different fixed poetic forms (haiku, limerick, cinquain, and figure poem) and you must do the comprehension questions for The Altar and Easter Wings.

Also, remember to copy down the comprehension question answers for 'That Time of Year' because we will be recording the scores on Monday.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will be working on The Altar and Easter Wings, so you won't have any actual homework due until Thursday. HOWEVER, on Monday, 11/23, I will be giving you a test over all the poems we have done since the midterm, SO you should use those evenings to study for your test.

DUE THURSDAY (10A) and FRIDAY (10B) read takes talent and To a Snowflake and do the comprehension questions for takes talent and To A Snowflake

Monday, 11/23: TEST: your test will be covering The Bells, Upon His Departure Hence, The Destruction of Sennacherib, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, On the Grasshopper and Cricket, Sonnet LXXIII:That Time of Year, The Altar, Easter Wings, takes talent, and To a Snow-flake.

You must know the definitions of meter, foot, iamb, trochee, anapest, dactyl, spondee, monometer-octameter, Italian Sonnet, English Sonnet, Haiku, Limerick, Cinquain, Figure Poem, apostrophe, free verse, eye rhyme, euphony, cacophony, assonance, consonance, allliteration, repetition, refrain, simile, metaphor, imagery, ambiguity, tone, mood

The test will have three sections: a literary terms section, a comprehension question, and one passage identification/analysis. This test is covering poetry-- and I know poetry is hard for you so STUDY NOW, don't put it off until the night before.

Despite how this looks, I actually do love you! Have a good weekend.

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