Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Study Guide for 9th Grade Test

I have posted the study guide for your test in the comments section of this post.

1 comment:

Miss Jones said...

Your test will be covering the stories from the Beauty, Faith, and Hope Units, so it will be over :

Three Days to See, In the Garden of the Lord, God’s World, Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Faith, Hope, and Doubting Castle.

Your test will have two sections: a literary term section and a comprehension question section.

You should know the definitions of apostrophe, metaphor, simile, personification, allegory, imagery, allusion, symbol, and Romanticism. I may also ask you to give an example of any of these literary terms.

The best way to study for this test is to re-read the poems and the information in your textbook, to thoroughly review all of your notes, your comprehension question answers, and to memorize the definitions for the literary terms we learned. You should also pay attention to the notes underneath each poem or story, because if I want, I will test you over that too.