Monday, November 23, 2009

9B Homework

In the comments section of this post, I have put the last few questions from 'The Cat and The Pain-killer.' Copy these answers down into your notes. I will record your scores tomorrow.

1 comment:

Miss Jones said...

4. Why did Aunt Polly change her mind about making Tom try more medicine?
She reasoned that what was cruel to a cat was cruel to a boy.
5. What crazy things did Tom do to get Becky’s attention? Did his antics work?
Tom carried on like somebody who was uncivilized, yelled out, chased other boys, jumped on a fence, did somersaults and headstands, and even tumbled into a group of people. None of these antics impressed Becky.
6. How did the author work to make this story seem real?
He wrote with distinct and realistic dialogue and created vivid pictures with the actions. Tom’s silly and mischievous antics are typical of boys seeking attention, and Becky’s pert response seems typical of a girl’s reaction.