Thursday, December 3, 2009

10B Homework

In the comments section of this post, I have put up a summary/outline of Iliad Book V.

1 comment:

Miss Jones said...

Key Events of Iliad Book V
1. Diomedes’ prayer and Athena’s answer
After Diomedes is wounded by the Trojan archer Pandarus, he prays to Athena to give him strength, and Athena gives him an aristeia (excellence) An aristeia is when a hero is granted temporary superhuman power by a god—and during this time, the hero is capable of killing many more men than he typically would be able to.
2. The fight of Diomedes and Aeneas
When Diomedes fights and wounds Aeneas, Aphrodite comes to help her son—and Diomedes wounds her too! She goes back to Mount Olympos and her mother, Dione, heals her and Zeus tells her to stay out of the fighting. Apollo goes to the battle to replace her and Diomedes attacks him as well—Apollo then warns Diomedes and pushes him out of the way—reminding Diomedes of the fact that he (Diomedes) is mortal. Apollo then wants to incite the Trojans to fight even harder, so he leaves a copy of Aeneas’s body on the battlefield, and then he gets Ares, the god of war, to fight on the Trojan side. The Trojans then began to win the battle, and Hektor and Ares, fighting together, really start to damage the Greeks. Many people die. Then, Hera and Athena ask Zeus to help them, and he gives them permission to intervene in the battle, so then Athena encourages Diomedes to fight even harder while Hera rallies the Greek troops. Earlier, Athena had told Diomedes not to attack any gods, but now, she tells him he can, and then jumps into Diomedes’ chariot and begins to fight next to him. They attack Ares together. Then, they run over Ares with Diomedes’ chariot, and Ares is wounded, so he has to go back to Olympos. Ares goes back and complains to Zeus, but Zeus tells him that he deserved it for fighting in the war. After Ares leaves, Athena and Hera leave the battle.

3. Divine intervention and injury: Diomedes fights the gods

4. More battle: many die